Who are Spectre Analysis?
Our main focus is to approach the field of the paranormal from a scientific and evidence based approach, studying and collecting accurate evidence that will help us form theories that may explain paranormal sites. Were not all quantum physicists but we try to understand as much to our ability the scientific aspects of our work."The most important tools in this or any investigation are a questioning mind and a solid understanding of scientific principles."
Benjamin Radford
A large majority of investigations are done on the assumption that sites are 'home to' ghosts and spirits. For instance some popular assumption are:
> Mediums CAN contact the dead?.
> Calling out... can ghosts hear and react to verbal request?
> Orbs are ghosts?
> Former residents are responisble for hauntings?
> Graveyards and cemetaries are full of ghosts?
> You can see ghosts better in the dark?
These could be true but there is not suffient evidence to support them. This could also lead to the possibility of suggestion.
We are not "Ghost Hunters" and we do not 'banish' or 'exorcise' alleged 'ghosts' or 'spirits'.
1. To collect verifiable evidence to support the theory that the human soul survives after death.
2. Help clients (and ourselves) to form a clearer understanding of what may be causing unexplained phenomena.
3. Continualy strive to keep an open mind and a skeptical approach to our work.
As you can see, a lot of our investigations have taken place in Pubs. These places have been a communial meeting places for hundreds of years, and hold a vast amount of history and memories attached to them. But generaly we will investigate most any loction in an around the Cheshire area and also further.
Maybe you think that your home or business is haunted and you would consider a private investigation taylored to your personal requirements? I can assure you that all information will be kept private and that our team conducts itself in a highly professional manner. Please do not hessitate to contact us for an informal chat.
(NOTE:References can be supplied, on request)
We post reports on ALL our unvestigations, please use the link in the RH column to view them. We only post the results of a private residence investigation with the property owner's permission.
We are aslo interested in working with other like minded people and groups. If you are a medium or a sensitive we would also like to work with you, but please note we will doing so as an assessement of your ability and we will be looking for tangible evidence which can be checked through historical records and research methods.
All of our equipment is privately owned and funded individualy by each team member, travel and misc expenses are shared equally beween the team.
We have a good selection of equipment some of which include:
EMF meter's, IR video cameras, IR Handycams, IR Lights, Motion Detectors, IR temperature sensors, TV monitors, Digital still cameras, Stud meter, Light sensors, Digital voice recorders, Dowsing rods, Lap tops, Re-chargable battery packs, Oh and of course there's TED.
In a nut shell...NO we don't.
Thursday, 4 December 2008
Sunday, 23 November 2008
The ballroom at the Asylum has been conveniently 'demolished' by fire. Very convenient don't you think, only a week after the protests in Denbigh. My fears are what will be next? I think there will have to be an investigation as to what caused it. Ian McGregor commented fromt the forum ..."A convenient way to get rid of bats, shut up the protesters, and an excuse to knock down grade II buildings without being judged. Once the supporting timbers are gone, walls can be declared structurally unsound. No doubt it was insured for a large packet too and the owner will be excused from that 4.9m (or thereabouts) he was supposed to pay within the month. DCC now has the responsibility to launch an investigation with the police."
I did not wholey agree with the protest, my thoughts were to compile a 'friends of' and work along side the CC and the developers, which I STILL feel was a better way to approach this, work with them rather than against them. BUT its too late now. The ballroom was one of the building scheduled for demolition on the plans, and thats been accomplished.
Monday, 3 November 2008
Denbigh Asylum Awareness Web site Re-Launch
Tuesday, 28 October 2008
Most Haunted 'LIVE', Village of the Damned
Hurray (she cries swinging form the chandeliers) I'm so glad MH had finally managed to get into the Asylum, and to do 7 nights 'live' well that's just fantastic. I am very passionate about the asylum and I've noticed there has been a bit of an uproar from residents and the council on MH approach to their investigations and experiments they are conducting. To some degree I have to agree them. Denbigh council chairman Colin Hughes said he was “absolutely fuming many people had raised their concerns, particularly about the town being labelled the Village of the Damned. I am disgusted that this production company have waltzed into Denbigh and seemingly poked fun at mental illness,” he said.
I do not feel that there has been any FUN poked or prodded otherwise at mental illness in the show but I do think they could have titled this MHL at little more sensitively, as when I first read it's title I did not instantly think of the asylum. My only criticism is that I feel they are going about contacting the spirits in the wrong way. I'm not a big fan of mediums but Billy, the visiting medium came up with one 'message' in that the spirits themselves are genuinely upset about how the site had been allowed to degenerate. I thought that was fantastic, people who buy properties and estates like the asylum and leave it to dissolve over time should be penalised and held responsible maybe fined for allowing our heritage to decay. Its nothing Short of 'cruelty' albeit to an inanimate object, if that's possible.
Sorry Ive drifted a bit there... back to MH. The times I have been to the site I have NEVER felt anything sinister there, I've never felt frightened, and let's face it its a pretty imposing structure. I think the MH crew should soften there approach in order to get activity from there spiritual residents. Summing up the devil was pretty silly idea and was done for sensationalism, and didn't work. The Tesla Static machine was a good idea, but again did not achieve the desired results, to be honest I thought it had a more of a 'Dr Frankenstein' effect.
The most important point the council are missing is that at last, the Asylum is getting some well deserved promotion (and finally some well deserved TLC too) and hope that now something may be done productively with the site. People are just sitting on there bottoms watching a fantastic opportunity to regenerate the area disappear. I think it would be a terrible shame to loose such a fine example of Gothic architecture. Yes there has been some unfortunate experiences people have undergone in the asylum, but that was the treatment and science of it's day, it is NOT the building at fault.
As for MH its a TV programme and for entertainment only, people keep forgetting that.
Lastly I wish all involved in tonight show (including the audience) good luck they are gonna need it as the weather forecast is for it to be -3 brrrrrr.
PS An interesting thing popped up on the first night about the energy levels on the site... every time I have been, I took my camcorder..... it broke on each occasion....spooky.
PPS - Someone aught to tell Yevette that there are impsy wimpsy's the size of elephants on the site.... he he that would make her screeeeeeeeam.
Well done Mr Ross. Bit of a flook didn't you think that he just happened to be picked out to do a lone vigil..... 'IN THE MORGUE', if it was a set up it was a gooden. Great TV though, and I thought Stuart gets claustrophobia? Yet he still manged a cosy get together with Carl in the freezer. Best night yet I thought. It is a very small 'cadaver' freezer (yes Ive been there myself) which I was surprised considering the size of the estate and the amount of people they must have had living there. I did think the window smashing and Carl's mortuary tray sliding was very suspicious (little miss skeptic). But gold star for Paul, when people are put into their very first vigil setting they tend to be very hypersensitive to every bump, knock, breeze, smell any external source which Paul demonstrated with a few slips of 'french'. I still feel the star medium on this MHL is Billy Roberts, very convincing, I wish they had given him a much bigger spot in the show as I am not impressed with Brian's abilities, it's usually a very good dramatic performance he delivers. Come back Derek all is forgiven LOL.
I am very interested weather they get into the Chapel, that is one of the areas I never managed to get into although you could see once again that it had been stripped of its beauty, only the ceiling was/is left in tacked probably because they could not get up that high.
Oh and a HUGE thank you to Carl, who at the beginning of the programme stood up and challenged the Council for their participation in the decline of the building.... FANTASTIC.
Looking forward to tonights gripping episode...go for it guys.
I was looking forward to tonight's episode. The team located in the North West wing of the asylum, an area I had not been in (and neither had the vandals by the look of it). The room they first visited were very intriguing, small, with high ceilings and narrow high windows. I wonder what they have been used for? Obviously who ever was interred in these rooms was not intended to escape.The rooms would would have been quite dark too.
Again our visiting medium Billy Roberts unearthed yet more fascinating information. I liked Billy's honest too concerning mediums and their abilities, it was refreshing to hear him be critical on the reliability of information channeled buy mediums.
Now to the nights events, VOODOO. Interesting experiment, but unfortunately we can't guarantee that it was not a set-up. I did chuckle though at the Voodoo doll of Brian, a mini Wicca man. They stuck pins in the dolls arms and legs, but only the leg area seemed to have the desired effect. Either Brian has the ability of telepathy or something was afoot as he started to complain about his leg BEFORE they started their experiment.
I did enjoy the very last part of the their vigil, where they all positioned themselves in separate rooms, and lots of activity seem to happen.
The other thing that amazes me is that, of the thousands of people that must have gone through the asylums doors, weather they be staff or patients, we are only getting the supposed 'witches' flying around the place and causing havoc.
I really do think they should get Billy more involved in the vigils, it would be far more interesting. Oh, and Mr Ross could you PLEEEEEEASE stop mentioning the 'D' word.....(demolition) its causing me a lot distress.
Finally, a big thank you to Carl once again for his comments regarding the asylums future.
When ever I have taken my team members to the Asylum who have never been there before they come away from it, SPELLBOUND, it real does seem to bewitch you (I am not referring to any witchcraft references here). I defy anyone who has been on these MHL night this week will not be able to go away and forget about the Asylum. I think that it is at a point now if something isn't done NOW it will be lost forever.
Mmmmmm Brian, not a very convincing medium at all, and I don't think he's doing the show much justice. Thumbs up for Carl yet again having a HUGE dig at the CC. Now back to last night vigil, I loved the 'chair' experiment, especially when EF was strapped, clamped and roaped into it. Unfortunately it lasted all of 2 secs, but good old hubby Carl was there to give her cuddle...'there, there, now'. I don't understand? EF has been ghost hunting for over 8 years now (I think), and she's still frightned to be on her own, yet she quickly gets a strop on and summoned her husband to the chair without a blink of and eye and orderd the member of the audience to go off down the corridor on her own. I would LOVE to have a head to head GHOUL DUEL with her.
I did not think any conclusive showed up last night except the whitches of Denbigh AGAIN. They should ask them to stand back and let other spirits get a look-in.
Billy came up trumps again explaining how he thought a oujia board works (especially when Brians pushing the glass), a very good philosophy I thought.
I am sorry to keep being negative about some of the things MH area doing because I am very gratefull for them concentrating this MHL at the Asylum, but a lot of what they are doing could be very easily rigged, and as an investgator myself I have to look at things from a skeptical viewpoint.
Be rest assured I shall be dusting off my old and trusty broomstick tonight, and fly back to Denbigh . . . Oh Sxxt, they have found me out at last, my real name isn't Kathy at all, is ALICE he he he he. But do not worry, I shall make sure I wrap up warm and put my winter tights on, Broomflight and chilblains make a nasty combination.
Burn, baby burn....well what a great night for the grand Halloween finale, and they pulled it off, great telly. I enjoyed the lone vigils (thats if they were REALY alone!), Carl made a constructive remark on how his imagination had staretd to take control of the situation he was in. And finally Billy got a look-in at last (I wonder why they left it until the last night to move him in?). I was excited to find that the last location was infact the chapel, as you could see the roof was in-tact, and how magnificient it must have looked in its original state. Poor Keiran had not been well all week, and you did notice him holding his head whilst in the chapel which turned out to be a stever headache, but I am glad he kept is skeptical glad rags on in the situatuion. A very interesting situation happend in the little cubbyhole outside of the building, murmurs and polt activity. I thought it would have been good to carry on up to 1am ... past the time when our two worlds/dimensions come closer together.
I know I've critisised the team a little on our 7 day voyage of paranormal discovery, but I still watched avidly for the whole 7 nights (I am a little biased, it was after all my fave place). All said and done I did feel extremely sad when it finished, I think this is because I know in my heart the Asylum will have no repreave from demolition.
And finally, this is a message to all of you that have watched the show and visitied our blog (by the way a big thank you). Just thank MH for bringing this wonderfull place into all of your lives. REMEMBER, you have had the opportunity, and the privalage to see it, cherish this, as you will NEVER see it again.
Sunday, 5 October 2008
Dane Mill, Congleton Sat 4th Oct
Wednesday, 24 September 2008
Skirmish proposal in the pipeline
* public houses
* workplaces (such as old mills, etc)
* hotels and inns.
The publishers themselves run their business from Dane Mill, a refurbished silk mill in Congleton, Cheshire. An investigation has been arranged at the mill as their staff have experienced some interesting phenomena in the location of their office.
Skirmish Magazine is the world's leading multi-period historical re-enactment and living history magazine.
Wednesday, 17 September 2008
Evaluation on Jaqui's Experience
We both agreed that in future investigation we are going to have to pay special attention to our sorroundings and those people around her (not SA). We will have to make sure she is not put into any circumstances that might facilitate this again.
Tuesday, 9 September 2008
Woman in the Mirror?
It could be that I am making something of the patterns reflected in the mirror and there is nothing there at all?
It's a good example of how reflection of the camera flash can make patterns that resemble figures and faces. You see many examples of this where people misinterpret what they see in a photograph. A have also suggested to you that there IS a woman in the morror so you will obviusly be looking to see one.
What do you think?
Monday, 25 August 2008
Morecambe Winter Gardens
Tuesday, 19 August 2008
Strange Floating Anomoly?
What is this strange 'thing?
On closer insepection through a video editing programme the 'thing' originates form behind the dummy at the back on the right.
Saturday, 26 July 2008
Denbigh Asylum visit
The main building to the front is inaccessible most of the floors are now down, and the area very dangerous. The theatre has been trashed and the stage torched. Some of the building are in quite good shape considering. We just cannot understand WHY this place was closed and WHY people have to vandalise it. We entered the estate with respect and treated it as such coming away not damaging anything, so why cant other people do the same? We bumped into another group of young people who were there for the fright experience (and got it) ... they did not vandalise the place, so tell me why do other people? We had a chat to some locals in the pub, and it has clearly 'killed' the town shutting Denbigh down, and they all talk fondly of it. All the parties in the ball room and the nurses and patients.
We photographed one or two very good orbs (although this could be jsut the reflection of the flash on dust particles) and we all experienced audibles. For a building in such a bad state it was extremely quiet all, for an owl, the place was silent as the grave and very solemn.
We are definatley going back very soon to try and document and perform a more extensive vigil. Steve and Gill with be adding their thoughts soon once all the evidence has been clarified and all the photos and video will be added very soon.
Thursday, 17 July 2008
Lets us know your thoughts!
- Do you believe there is one?
- or do you think once your dead your dead?
- What do you think are ghosts?
- Why do think there are there so many different kinds of entities?
Wednesday, 18 June 2008
Welcome Ted
Sunday, 18 May 2008
Welcome Jacqui
Friday, 2 May 2008
How we conduct our investigations
If at all possible we prefer to take some time during day light hours to familiarise ourselves with the location to establish areas suitable for equipment. We also take this opportunity to consult with you and try to identify areas with paranormal activity. Owners are encouraged to participate as much, or as little as they wish in the investigation.
NOTE : Please respect that we are giving our free time to perform your investigation. In the past we have encountered situations where we have experienced bad behaviour, insults and tampering with equipment from guests invited to attend by the client. This was the result from the guests (and client) having consumed large amounts of alcohol. Because of this we DO NOT permit the consumption of alcohol before or during an investigation. Alcohol also
impairs personal judgement and greatly increases the chance of personal injury.
If this happens your investigations will immediately be terminated.
We DO NOT perform Ouija boards.
On the Evening of the Investigation:
- First of all ‘FIRE EXITS’ and any health and safety and legal issues are discussed.
- Temperature/humidity and electro magnetic field readings this provides the base line to enable any changes and fluctuations to be monitored throughout the night.
- Equipment will be placed in the areas outlined in the interview.
- Once all the readings have been taken, the group will then divide into smaller groups to conduct separate vigils in the most active places.
- Once in situ we attempt to make contact with any ‘presences (we like to refer to them as people)’ by verbal request, this will include identifying the ‘person(s)’ by name (if known) and asking them to come forward and make contact with us. Sound recording equipment is used in the hope that we may capture audibles on digital recorders.
- Small breaks are taken throughout the night for refreshments and to discuss how the evening is progressing. Its at this point we agree to a ‘wrap’ time to finish the investigation. At the end of all our investigations all equipment will be cleared and the location checked.
- What happens next? All video, audio recording and digital photography will be analysed and any unusual findings will be correlated for you in a full report for you to view at a convenient time.