Who are Spectre Analysis?

Hi and thank you for viewing our blog. Spectre Analysis are a private, non-profit making, Paranormal Research group based in Crewe and Nantwich are, Cheshire. It's founders were previously part of a similar group for over two and half years and have a large portfolio of investigations to date. Our team are mature, and professional individuals who take our 'hobby' (as some would call it) seriously and responsibly.


"The most important tools in this or any investigation are a questioning mind and a solid understanding of scientific principles."

Benjamin Radford

Our main focus is to approach the field of the paranormal from a scientific and evidence based approach, studying and collecting accurate evidence that will help us form theories that may explain paranormal sites. Were not all quantum physicists but we try to understand as much to our ability the scientific aspects of our work.

A large majority of investigations are done on the assumption that sites are 'home to' ghosts and spirits. For instance some popular assumption are:

> Mediums CAN contact the dead?.
> Calling out... can ghosts hear and react to verbal request?
> Orbs are ghosts?
> Former residents are responisble for hauntings?
> Graveyards and cemetaries are full of ghosts?
> You can see ghosts better in the dark?

These could be true but there is not suffient evidence to support them. This could also lead to the possibility of suggestion.

We are not "Ghost Hunters" and we do not 'banish' or 'exorcise' alleged 'ghosts' or 'spirits'.

1. To collect verifiable evidence to support the theory that the human soul survives after death.

2. Help clients (and ourselves) to form a clearer understanding of what may be causing unexplained phenomena.

3. Continualy strive to keep an open mind and a skeptical approach to our work.

As you can see, a lot of our investigations have taken place in Pubs. These places have been a communial meeting places for hundreds of years, and hold a vast amount of history and memories attached to them. But generaly we will investigate most any loction in an around the Cheshire area and also further.

Maybe you think that your home or business is haunted and you would consider a private investigation taylored to your personal requirements? I can assure you that all information will be kept private and that our team conducts itself in a highly professional manner. Please do not hessitate to contact us for an informal chat.

(NOTE:References can be supplied, on request)

We post reports on ALL our unvestigations, please use the link in the RH column to view them. We only post the results of a private residence investigation with the property owner's permission.

We are aslo interested in working with other like minded people and groups. If you are a medium or a sensitive we would also like to work with you, but please note we will doing so as an assessement of your ability and we will be looking for tangible evidence which can be checked through historical records and research methods.

All of our equipment is privately owned and funded individualy by each team member, travel and misc expenses are shared equally beween the team.

We have a good selection of equipment some of which include:

EMF meter's, IR video cameras, IR Handycams, IR Lights, Motion Detectors, IR temperature sensors, TV monitors, Digital still cameras, Stud meter, Light sensors, Digital voice recorders, Dowsing rods, Lap tops, Re-chargable battery packs, Oh and of course there's TED.

In a nut shell...NO we don't.

Saturday 26 July 2008

Denbigh Asylum visit

Last night (25th) we visited Denbigh Asylum. This is our 3rd visit (for some) but this was actually Steve's 1st. The weather was perfect, but sadly the Vandals has made even more damage than we had expected, we could not believe how much. The morgue has been totally desecrated and the mortuary slab, I am sad to say is no more... totally smashed to pieces. As for the building itself we feel it is now on the down turn unless who ever owns it steps in very soon this building will NOT be standing in another 10yrs (perhaps that's what they are hoping for).

The main building to the front is inaccessible most of the floors are now down, and the area very dangerous. The theatre has been trashed and the stage torched. Some of the building are in quite good shape considering. We just cannot understand WHY this place was closed and WHY people have to vandalise it. We entered the estate with respect and treated it as such coming away not damaging anything, so why cant other people do the same? We bumped into another group of young people who were there for the fright experience (and got it) ... they did not vandalise the place, so tell me why do other people? We had a chat to some locals in the pub, and it has clearly 'killed' the town shutting Denbigh down, and they all talk fondly of it. All the parties in the ball room and the nurses and patients.


We photographed one or two very good orbs (although this could be jsut the reflection of the flash on dust particles) and we all experienced audibles. For a building in such a bad state it was extremely quiet all, for an owl, the place was silent as the grave and very solemn.

We are definatley going back very soon to try and document and perform a more extensive vigil. Steve and Gill with be adding their thoughts soon once all the evidence has been clarified and all the photos and video will be added very soon.




ninnie said...

I really would have loved to have joined you all on your visit to this most impressive, beautiful & historical building.
Regarding all the vandalism, I just cannot understand the mentality of anyone destroying such a place as this... but sad to say. there are so it seems, so many of these people that seem to relish in the act of destroying what took so many years of hard work & dedication, expense & caring to build, it makes me weep inside. They have no respect whatsoever.
There are so few of these buildings left now & one by one they are all being demolished, never again will we see such beautiful architechture, it saddens me greatly, God bless all those who worked to help those suffering in this hospital (I know there were evil ones too, abusing their power over patients in the past, they will get there's... I am sure) ,and all the patients who were admitted there, some wrongfully so, there is so much history here, why couldn't the authorities have saved the place? It's criminal, they steal enough tax from us, there is no excuse, they should be ashamed, VERY ashamed. I heard somewhere that Prince Charles was trying to save it, all to no avail, no one seems to listen to reason anymore. There will never, ever again be such beautiful, stunning places as this built in the future to replace them, all we can do is look back at photos and be saddened by the disrespect the people in power & vandals showed over this and other buildings like it.
If only more people were like you, you have my respect & admiration for the work you do :o)

Aikido said...
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Kathy said...

Well thank you Nina for your lovely comment. I am very passionate about Denbigh Asylum. I would have thought Prince Charles would have had some influence on its future. There is a new web-site thats been re-launched (please go to our main page) there is a link to it there. It has all the plans for the demolition and its a support site for the Asylum. Most Haunted have certainly brought the profile of the building to fore of the publics concsience, other wise I think the lot would have come down. I feel very, very privalaged to have graced it corridors and we never forget it. Wouldnt it have been lovely to have seen her before the looters and vandals got in. i wish i could have won the Euro Lottery, I would have bought it like a shot. I was talking to my dad about it andhe said we have Mrs Thatcher to thank for closing the hospital down and chucking all the mental patients out on the streets. Most of teh Aylums left are in the same state as Denbigh, even worse in some cases, we must thank all those urban photographers out there that have got in and photographed these building so we have a record of what they were like. Our work has taken us to some incredible places, but none quite as incredible as Denbigh. Take care and thank you.

Unknown said...

my great uncle actually committed suicide at Denbigh Asylum in 1927