Who are Spectre Analysis?

Hi and thank you for viewing our blog. Spectre Analysis are a private, non-profit making, Paranormal Research group based in Crewe and Nantwich are, Cheshire. It's founders were previously part of a similar group for over two and half years and have a large portfolio of investigations to date. Our team are mature, and professional individuals who take our 'hobby' (as some would call it) seriously and responsibly.


"The most important tools in this or any investigation are a questioning mind and a solid understanding of scientific principles."

Benjamin Radford

Our main focus is to approach the field of the paranormal from a scientific and evidence based approach, studying and collecting accurate evidence that will help us form theories that may explain paranormal sites. Were not all quantum physicists but we try to understand as much to our ability the scientific aspects of our work.

A large majority of investigations are done on the assumption that sites are 'home to' ghosts and spirits. For instance some popular assumption are:

> Mediums CAN contact the dead?.
> Calling out... can ghosts hear and react to verbal request?
> Orbs are ghosts?
> Former residents are responisble for hauntings?
> Graveyards and cemetaries are full of ghosts?
> You can see ghosts better in the dark?

These could be true but there is not suffient evidence to support them. This could also lead to the possibility of suggestion.

We are not "Ghost Hunters" and we do not 'banish' or 'exorcise' alleged 'ghosts' or 'spirits'.

1. To collect verifiable evidence to support the theory that the human soul survives after death.

2. Help clients (and ourselves) to form a clearer understanding of what may be causing unexplained phenomena.

3. Continualy strive to keep an open mind and a skeptical approach to our work.

As you can see, a lot of our investigations have taken place in Pubs. These places have been a communial meeting places for hundreds of years, and hold a vast amount of history and memories attached to them. But generaly we will investigate most any loction in an around the Cheshire area and also further.

Maybe you think that your home or business is haunted and you would consider a private investigation taylored to your personal requirements? I can assure you that all information will be kept private and that our team conducts itself in a highly professional manner. Please do not hessitate to contact us for an informal chat.

(NOTE:References can be supplied, on request)

We post reports on ALL our unvestigations, please use the link in the RH column to view them. We only post the results of a private residence investigation with the property owner's permission.

We are aslo interested in working with other like minded people and groups. If you are a medium or a sensitive we would also like to work with you, but please note we will doing so as an assessement of your ability and we will be looking for tangible evidence which can be checked through historical records and research methods.

All of our equipment is privately owned and funded individualy by each team member, travel and misc expenses are shared equally beween the team.

We have a good selection of equipment some of which include:

EMF meter's, IR video cameras, IR Handycams, IR Lights, Motion Detectors, IR temperature sensors, TV monitors, Digital still cameras, Stud meter, Light sensors, Digital voice recorders, Dowsing rods, Lap tops, Re-chargable battery packs, Oh and of course there's TED.

In a nut shell...NO we don't.

Tuesday 27 October 2009

Most haunted Live Eight faces of Evil

EIGHT FACES OF EVIL It amazes me all the MHL events have menacing titles, Village of the Dammed, 8 Faces of Evil, are there no nice ghosts out there? I think it should be titled "Where's Jake?"

This time its staged at Morecombe Winter Gardens a well publicised haunted location (as you know SA have been there). I was scratching my head wondering how the heck they are going to span out 8 days in Morecombe? It is not a hive of activity even in the summer months. So I was interested what venues they can dig up to investigate.

Well what can I say the little loves went off on their paranormal adlib-ventures once again. They have pulled out all the technical stops this time (or shall say KO has) and whose that porky fella they have dug up...Oh yes Mr 'Phil Whyman. Another medium graces the stage 'Chris' seemed a nice enuff fella. And the wonderful Juilen Clegg, who I have to say is an excellent presenter, but I do which he would get shirts that were the right size!!! They have not failed us with the usual hype to wined up the audience. The music, the lights but no action. That fab Ouija board they have constructed but know one wants to talk to them.

Now the WG'ns is a very draft place, and noises leek in from external sources very easily. You cannot pinpoint where sounds are emanating from due to the auditory design of the theatre..any theatre in fact. They are designed specifically so people can hear the performers clearly from the stage in any seated position in the theater.

So nights 1 and 2 - Not much to write home about here. Lots of cold spots...well come on guys its freeeeezing in there. A very nasty spirit man...who (sadly) does nothing nasty to them, what a party pooper. Most of the info Chris was coming up with had been previously aired in another programme.

So on a Fright factor of 1-10, 0.

Night 3 was a little more interesting as they re-located to the Alhambra Antiques Emporium. What great a place that was, and they left poor Kath on her own in there for a 'screaming' vigil while EF muscled her way around the building. Abbott and Costello... oops sorry, Carly and Co got up to there usual tricks (unconvincingly). I do like the old reel to Reel tape recorder experiment as its very hard to tamper with the audio and KO explained for the first time 'Infra Sound' and how it works. An interesting thing he did was slow down the audio from a recording done that night to find it had a similar sound to that Chris was hearing... interesting. Unfortunately there was no ghost karaoke that evening although EF, after listening very closely to the tape, did try her best to make out there was something on it. Will be interesting to see what they get tonight after leaving it running.

Fright factor of 1-10, 1.

Night 4 + 5 Ashton Hall and the jUdges Lodgings. It's menacing it's malevolent. Once more the nation is gripped by its nuptials and has it's eyes peeled on the 8 web-cams. The spirit of Laurence was with us this evening and the seance revealed the dreaded figure of 8, a sign that indicates a very negative, powerfull force of evil... as most of us who have taken physics is some form or another, know this sign as infinity BUT every time its referred to in this programme it's EVIL... just another con to get people to feel insecure.

We had prank phone calls, my god someone infiltrated the sealed system well done I say. Now EF was sent off on her own.. I timed how long she would last before the proverbial dummy was thrown down... exactly 4 mins... my word that was a brave effort. Chris isn't proving to be a very good guest medium he doesn't seem to bringing much in from the spirit realm. KO caught something on the phone moaning and groaning.... it's a fix. Now he did a very interesting Infra Sound experiment where he recorded 6 word as a frequency which could not be heard by the human ear, the idea was that the said ghost(s) could here this whilst the usual members were doing a Ouija board. Now the results were spectacular... the ghost got 5 out of 5 (gold star for the spook) but personally I feel this was too good to be true. Is KO starting on the slippery slope of 'fixing things' I hope I'm wrong.

Fright Factor 0

Night 6 The Mariners Pub and the Ashton monument. The place of death and hanging. Tonight the witches prey was Kath, they knew there were witches as they could smell wet dogs (yeah I always think that don't you?) Kath was smothered by them Chris was toppled over by them but otherwise nothing else happened AND THEN the best experiment yet, old Tesser's back with his mates the Faraday's. 3 victims will be put into human shaped iron cases and they will 'willingly' share 3250 Volts...yeah baby. I couldn't wait for this one to spark off. The people were chosen by yet again the ghosts... they were KO, CB and the sound man. Now KO was clearly disturbed at the fact that he could possible turned into a kebab... I screaaaaaaaaamed switch it on. The tensions rise, the guys kissed there loved one goodbye (OK CB did) but it was so funny when EF replied to her husband 'Yes I love you, now get in' ... a classic lol. Of course nothing happened and I fell asleep through the rest of it.

Fear Factor 3

Night 7 The Maritime Museum and the 16c Snatcher Pub - "We may be going back to basic tonight" said EF on the approach to tonights investigation. Does this mean they have run out of ideas? The locations centred around buildings that were involved with the Slave trade and the usual activity of the time press ganging men into the Navy. Paul guaranteed us that tonight would be 'dangerous and fruitful' mmm I smelt a rat here. Not much happened at the Museum so Carl said heroically "Lets kick some ass at the next gaff" you tell em Carl, so they all legged it to the pub (best place in my opinion), ...well all hell broke loose, Carl went all funny then the sound man collapsed, Kath was threatening the spirits to leave her alone, the paramedics were called and guess who was responsible for all this mayhem...you guessed it 'The Pendle Witches' there back, wreaking havoc. Their broomsticks must be rocket powered as Pendle Hill is miles away from Lancaster... well that's the advancement in broomstick technology these days. Funny what Paul's said at the beginning of the evening wasn't it?

So brace yourselves for the penultimate evening... its very nearly a full moon, keep watching those witches ha ha haaaaaaaaaaaaa.

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